
A lover of stories since I was a little one, I have grown into someone who wants to make my story one about loving God and my neighbors. I’m studying Mission and Justice at Denver Seminary and trying to learn how to live in such a way that I attract other people to Jesus through my life.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Francis Feeney says:

    As an evangelical, I found it quite interesting to read about St. Vincent De Paul’s personal conversion to Christ. It sounds as if while living at the poor parish northwest of Paris he came to a personal faith in Christ. This was evidenced by his change in vocabulary warming to the name of Jesus.
    Subsequent to this conversion it seems as though he allowed the Holy Spirit to lead him into a life of great productivity. And he was unwilling to grow spiritually alone. I found the Tuesday Conferences to be delightful to read about. Sounds like he led many of his peers in their personal walks with Jesus.
    A beautiful life.
    A beautiful study.
    A beautiful story.
    Love, Dad
    Francis G. Feeney


    • mcfeeney says:

      Thanks Dad! You’re right, St. Vincent did a great job leading others and the Tuesday conferences were a key part of his methodology. I’m glad you enjoyed reading about his life. Thanks for commenting.


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